We are members of Lighthouse Christian Church in Bellevue, Washington.
Our mission is to share God's grace and truth so that people come to know, love and share Jesus Christ.
While in Japan we will be helping run the VBS programs at Tokorozawa Megumi Church and Nokendai Bible Fellowship

Ev, Tom, Randy, Tim, David, Kelly, Sharon
Al, Karen, Lucy
Katherine, Garrett, Austin

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lucy: I've fallen in love with my VBS class

My prayer is that God protects them and draws them ever closer to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Lucy, for being such a blessing and encouragement to us. We know it is a lot to ask, but hope the Lord would lead you back to us again someday, for VBS or something else! Pray you would reap an abundant harvest in your own circle of influence back home in the States, too. God bless you. God keep you and make His face shine upon you!
    Much love,
