We are members of Lighthouse Christian Church in Bellevue, Washington.
Our mission is to share God's grace and truth so that people come to know, love and share Jesus Christ.
While in Japan we will be helping run the VBS programs at Tokorozawa Megumi Church and Nokendai Bible Fellowship

Ev, Tom, Randy, Tim, David, Kelly, Sharon
Al, Karen, Lucy
Katherine, Garrett, Austin

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Elisabeth Posing
Male Bonding

Today will be our first day of VBS. This year we had an extra day to prepare which is such a blessing because it is so hot. It looks like the only semi cool day will be our first day of VBS. All the others day are supposed to be in the high 90's with heat indexes over 100 degrees. Please pray for cooler weather. Although we only have 5 team members from LCC we have tons of help from the Nakamura's, Reasoner's and the Smoker Families and May children. The Smoker Family is another missionary family who run a sport ministry. God provides.
What has most amazed me is the Spiritual maturity of the Sakanashi Boys. Tim is lead morning worship, David prayer. They are such good role model for the Lighthouse youth, the children in Japan and for me. Kelly and Sharon, you've done a fine job.


  1. I have to agree with you, Tom! great job, Kelly & Sharon and God! :) Chris K and I prayed for you all during our prayer meeting this morning. Hope it cools down and you have an AWESOME time with the kids! keep blogging! --tina

  2. amen to what tina wrote. i heartily agree. except that male bonding pretzel-type lock on brandon doesn't look like fun!
