We are members of Lighthouse Christian Church in Bellevue, Washington.
Our mission is to share God's grace and truth so that people come to know, love and share Jesus Christ.
While in Japan we will be helping run the VBS programs at Tokorozawa Megumi Church and Nokendai Bible Fellowship

Ev, Tom, Randy, Tim, David, Kelly, Sharon
Al, Karen, Lucy
Katherine, Garrett, Austin

Friday, July 30, 2010

Kelly - Our God is an Awesome God!

Sigh, God is good. As I sit here contemplating what to write, I sit here in awe. While we didn't have the adventures the Kenya team had trying to get to our destination, I know after two days of VBS that there is opposition to our being here. It is subtle, yet very disrupting. Despite these disruptions though, mostly what I see is God's awesomeness. As Tom mentioned, day one was full of unusual events that caused us to rely on God for very unexpected things, like one of the local, very influential, moms creating a "panic" around us doing PE in the park in the rain - here we were praising God because it dropped the temperature significantly for us - but our enemy used it to cause trouble! Tom showed his flexibility and we called it quits early, respecting the mom's concerns. During our daily debriefing time we spent in prayer over this and, today, Someone calmed the storms, and we had a wonderful PE in the park!

Another way God has shown His awesomeness was in this: we came as a Lighthouse team of 5, yet we serve at TMK with a VBS "staff" of 15! We are blessed by the presence of four missionary families who have chosen to help out at our VBS. You all know of the Nakamura and Reasoner Families but this year we also have help from the Smoker and Mays (I ask their forgiveness if I spell their names wrong...) families as well! Charles Smoker and his daughter Ashley (I hope I spelled her name correctly) will be able to help us as well as Emily and Josh Mays! That amounts to the 5 Lighthouse team members; Jon, Chieko and Elisabeth Reasoner (Elliot is working full time at one of the Summer Bible camps); Richard, Alisha, and Brandon Nakamura (Keri, Hanna, Kayla and Nat are in California with Keri's mom - prayer support needed there!); Charles and Ashley Smoker; and Emily and Josh Mays! How God provides, and in abundance.

As for me personally, while this was a better day for Tom, not so good for me... (maybe because it was my day to do the opening and give my testimony...) felt tired and drained today, probably cause I may have done too much yesterday and my knee was "tender" today. (or maybe it was that Kenya team and me wondering if I should have sent our sound equipment with em... just joking.... God will do as He wills - but I think God just wants them to be less reliant on technilogical wow and more on the gifts He's given 'em - and God has indeed Blessed the Kenya team!) In any event, still felling a little out of place with the little kids, glad Dave and Tim are here to play with them cause today I really had to take it easy - again God provides - but it made me turn more of my thoughts towards the parents - unfortunately that came out during my testimony - which didn't come out very kid friendly but I pray it did speak to the adults there.

Asking all of you out there to keep my knee in prayer.

By His Grace - at the end of day 2,



  1. Will be praying extra hard for your knee, Kelly. Thanks for giving so much of yourself to the kids the program and the ministry. That rain was nice, wasn't it?!? But was worried about PE in the park...now I know. Pray the Lord will give you good weather in the afternoons from here on out. Blessings! -Shirley

  2. thanks for posting, kelly! will be praying for your knee and all that you all are doing over there! May God bless all the kids AND parents! :)

  3. Yes, we often forget it is a spiritual battle. But He has the victory always! We will keep you all in prayer, as well as the kids and their families!---nanc

  4. Kelly, I'll be praying for your knee, and for good energy and rest for everyone on the team. I remember how much that heat can take out of you. I know the kids and parents appreciate you all returning year after year, so may God continue to bless your relationships with them :)
