We are members of Lighthouse Christian Church in Bellevue, Washington.
Our mission is to share God's grace and truth so that people come to know, love and share Jesus Christ.
While in Japan we will be helping run the VBS programs at Tokorozawa Megumi Church and Nokendai Bible Fellowship

Ev, Tom, Randy, Tim, David, Kelly, Sharon
Al, Karen, Lucy
Katherine, Garrett, Austin

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Full Day...

Sooo. It’s our first full day here. I feel pretty well adjusted to the time difference already (praise God!). We’ve already gotten a taste of some delicious home made food… some delicious food from Yaoko… and our setup time today was pretty productive! Everyone is still recovering from traveling and all, but aside from that we got quite a bit done.

Sooo… a summary of my day today… woke up around 7:15 or so… showered… ate breakfast… had nice relaxed morning of discussing plans for the day, praying, and a short time of worship… went over to the SEND center where we stuffed mailboxes/prayer walked for a bit… then as the day got hotter we headed back to the center and relaxed a bit. It’s kind of ridiculous how hot it is this year… ughhhhh. Be praying for the weather!! That it would cool off enough to do our outside activities, or….. if it’s God’s plan for it to be hot then to show us what he wants us to do :]. Hrmm… let’s see…. I guess I left off where we went to Yaoko to do grocery/lunch shopping… I’ll try to include a couple of pictures of lunch at the end ^^V...
then we got to work. Putting together signs, taping posters up, etc. At the moment we’re just hanging out… trying to cool the house down before dinner. We’ve been invited over to have dinner with one of the missionary families here so that should be fun! And that just about brings us up to date…

Oh p.s. the first thing I got to drink after landing was a CC Lemon in memory of Matt’s… uh… encounter last year. ^^V more blogging to come! Hopefully…haha…

*EDIT*... or more like update I guess. Now that the day is almost over and all... let's see... where'd I leave off... oh yeah! soo... we went to have dinner at the Smoker's house... and it was awesome! home made curry rice + spinach salad!!! and watermelon (which for those of you who dont know.... is AMAZING in Japan, but also quite expensive...) plus these delicious ginourmous cream puff thingamabobs that were quite the treat :]... thennnnn....... back, changed, went for a nice couple mile run with Charles, one of the missionary families, chatted for a bit along the way... played some ball with Lizzie... and had a pretty productive night! now i'm quite exhausted and.. well... my shirt. is... kinda grossly a different color ( if you know what I mean.. haha..) sooo. I'm gonna shower and call it a night pretty soon. be praying for energy as a lot of us are still feeling pretty jet lagged and the heat + having lots to do tomorrow is gonna need lots of God's help! ^^V goooood niiiiighhhhtttt :D


  1. Matt S will appreciate the pix of your food! Will keep praying for cooler weather and that you will feel prepared for your first day on Thursday. God bless you all with good rest tonight!

  2. yes, i agree! matt will be drooling as he sees these pics when he returns. good job taking over his food picture taking, tim!
